Another Monday...

Just another Monday here at Casa Loco, but wait for it...Twenty Thousand Fourteen! Where has time gone? I am not even going to bother with that question, it's to rhetorical for my simple mind right now.  I do know I have had a super busy year.  I have been super blessed but at the same time tried in ways I never could have imagined.  Never in my crazy, upside-down, chaotic and unpredictable life did I think I would have had a year like 2013.  And never have I ever been so glad to see a year in my rearview mirror.  I am not saying it was all bad, but yes it sucked in a very big, no good, utterly emotional way.  Now with that said I also was able to see my blessings.  Amen.

I was going to take this blog down a coupe of weeks ago.  I never write anymore and I don't even think 2.5 of you still visit to see if I have written.  But then as I was being emotionally shredded to bits as my Dad brought to my attention some stupid incident,  he ends the conversation with a copy of a post I wrote. He cared enough to print it out and keeps it handy, I guess.  So I am going to believe it does matter that I write.  I will keep writing and publishing what I write. Although 2013 will stay in my unpublished file here.

Here is my Top 10 things of what 2013 taught me...

1.    Breathe.
2.    Gain composure before speaking to others about personal topics.
3.    Not everything is as it seems (DUH-AH!).
4.    I can eat an elephant.
5.    I have learned to chew with my mouth closed.
6.    I don't care for elephant no matter how it is served.
7.    If I have to trust someone the Hubs is always a good choice.
8.    I like the Hubs for a friend.
9.    I need my family.
10.  I need to smile more.

Well today I will clean my bathroom, take a shower, go pick-up #15 and drop off the rest of the drill team candle order.
(*photo found via the internet)


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