Another Monday...
Wow, I find those words a comfort today. That means getting back into routine. And a routine is good for me. Although I slept till 1:00pm today, after taking the girls to school and going for my morning walk, I fell like my body just needed the sleep. My Mother would have been mortified but see is not here for me to get scolded. Today was kind of crappy though. I really have to find something creative to do with myself. And that will require me getting my art studio back in order. But I was left feeling like I have no ambition, no desire, no motivation. I guess that tells me it's time to up the Lexapro. That means another doctors appointment, and I hate going to see the doctor. But I do have to make a follow-up with my regular doc since all this cardiac crap has been happening. Tomorrow. Speaking of cardiac crap, I slipped over to the dark side today and drank a 32 oz Dr. Pepper for the first time in the past 5 weeks. Kind of like a little gift to myself for the 13 pounds I have lost. Well shame on me, my heart is racing so fast and my hands are shaking too. And it really did not taste that great. Nuff said.