Crawling out of that early grave...

and I can guarantee if you have daughters then that means weddings at some point you'll to find yourselves in that early grave. I realized as of today it has been exactly one month since I blogged and that was not even a regular blog. I know what I want to talk about but I am not emotionally ready to yet. Please be patient. There has been allot of adjustment here as casa loco in the past two weeks combined with the pressure of the previous two weeks and I am wiped out.
Summer has taken over with avengence here in in North Texas. My garden is struggling to survive, but the cucumbers are awesome. The pool water is almost to warm, and the bugs are in full force.
I have this mental list of things I want to accomplish.
1. Sew the curtains for the dining room, kitchen and living room before the end of the month.
2. Finish the goodwill hunting project that is sitting in the corner of my dining room. Paint a small 3 drawer chest, repaint the mirror and design a vignette to go on the chest top.
3. Print updated photographs of the family for all the cute frames that have been sitting empty for almost 4 years now.
4. Bake a real cheese cake with blue berry topping
5. Go to Blackwell to see my Mom's headstone. I have yet to go and it will be 4 years since she passed away this coming October.
We will be traveling to Wyoming later this summer for a family reunion, not look forward to the car ride. But grateful I will get to be spending time with family. Handsome Husband and I will be going to San Diego in a few weeks, he for work and me well for the beach, DUH! Surf and Sun during the day and HH in the evenings. We have never had a honeymoon, and any trip taken without kids has been with family. Sure glad we are not in the baking business anymore! I am really looking forward to the time spent with him. We talked last week about a new page, a blank one. And we needed to start writing OUR history on it.
I am looking forward to the rest of this summer spent with friends, BBQ's and relaxing with the things I love.
If you are traveling through Ut on any of your trips we would love to have you stay here.
Hope to see you soon