How does your garden grow & Follow me Friday...
Welcome to a Friday Follow. I have not be so good about keeping up with all these BLOGGY tasks to get my readership up it seems, bad me. But when the weather is good, the last thing I want to do is be in my house at the computer. I did make a few changes so that the big computer desk is now in a room with the most light in the entire house. That is one of the most annoying things about this house of our here in Texas. It has a lack of light. And baby this MaMa needs her Vitamin D! So if your new here from the FOLLOW here is just a tad of TMI about me. I have meet mid-life head on, I am the mother of 3 gnarly girls. Who by the way are not so little anymore. My oldest, referred to as #19 is getting married in June to the Macho Man. My #15 is a bucket of hormone soup and sunshine. She has severe atopic dermatitis AKA Eczema. Follow her blog too! #11 is just a bottle of *iss and vinegar. She loves to dance. I am married to the Handsome Husband who most people do not believe in because he is never here. I have 3 insane dogs and would rescue more if I could. I have a left frontal lobe traumatic brain injury from 9 and 1/2 years ago, so I am kinda CRAZ*Y! We fly by the seat of our pants most of the time and love this life of ours, so grab a cup of whatever suits your fancy and join our party!
Now into the GARDEN...

I planted WAY to many peas together and beets together and beans together, you get the idea right?! So my garden is growing and now I am feeling like a murderer for having to thin out my plants. I feel so bad for the little tiny seedlings. I know they don't have feelings, but still. It is time to harvest my lettuce, it sure grew fast. I ate some right off the ground this morning, butter crunch. It was yummy!! I am so excited, who would have ever thought growing a garden could be this much fun. I have to thin out my cucumbers also. I can't wait for summer to get here.
We went and found all of the flowers for the wedding yesterday in the most random of places. She is using a silk flower for her centerpieces. I made a mock up about a month ago. In our hunting that took us to Sherman, Denison, Bonham, McKinney and Allen, we wound up finding them in Paris. I wish I could say it was Paris France, but it was just here in good ole Paris, Texas! But they had them and we bought them ALL!
#11 has her first DANCE competition this Saturday and #15 has Mono. I think I need chocolate. Have a great weekend everyone.