I'm not so Whimpy...

and I stuck to my guns, Wowzers Batman! Christmas came and went and although I had my doubts about this cutting back, way back, attitude it was good. #14 came in last night and said she liked it. No gift paloozaing and not a whole lot of garbage to kick to the curb. The gifts were meaningful and time spent conversing was excellent. They want it this way again. So I'll curb my appetite for indulgence for a couple of more years with visions of grand babies out on the horizon, (I can dream, right?).

I have had my Grandparents on my mind a lot this season. My Grandma Jenny passed away almost 19 years ago, and last night my Grandpa Steve returned to her. His death was not untimely, but sad all the same. My Dad has 2 sisters but my siblings and I are the only Grandchildren. We grew up without cousins on that side of the family. So it looks like we may have to celebrate his life and the New Year out in California. My step-grandmother and Aunt are there, I gather trying to make arrangements. I spent last night with my Dad writing up a history of my Grandpa's accomplishments in life. I knew he had a doctorate degree, but let's add a PHD to boot! whoot whoot Gramps! He was a Master Dental Technician who owned and operated his own lab for over 25 years. He dedicated almost 50 years to his craft. He and my Grandmother lived a comfortable life. I will always remember Grandpa for the line he said
every time I would spend the night with them..

"I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today"

Do you know who said that, take a guess, and leave me a comment. I will revel the answer while I am in California.


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