To Fly or not to Fly...
That is the question the beautiful Monday Morning. For several years I was an indoctrinated Fly Baby. If you have ever had trouble getting motivated to get excited about the organization and cleaning of your home I highly recommend THE FLY LADY. (remember how this works, clink on the colored words to find out what I am talking about)
I was in such a funk after my Mom passed away. I believe my family realized I was in trouble after finding me in my PJ's for like say 9 DAYS! The #1 piece of advice I took away with me from FLY LADY was "Tie Your Shoes". Meaning, if you have good shoes on that you can't just slip off, you are more likely to get the things accomplished you desire. (as far as the work that needs to get done around the house) My feet thanked me and so did my family.
I have been off the practice of "Tying my shoes for, UM, let's just say, SINCE I QUIT MY JOB, last March. I made a resolve last week that I would get my shoes tied and shine my sink, at the minimum, this week. And I am off to a pretty good start. Showered, Dressed (shoes tied) and the dishes are done and the sink is shiny! Yeah Me!

Today is also November 2. And I have to give a little Toot Toot to my Sister who is now part of the Thirty-Something group. I love you. No, I am not going to list the 32 reasons why, just know how much I do. I can remember how excited I was when you were born. After 2 brothers I was SO glad to have a sister. You where my personal doll baby. I loved dressing you and fixing your hair. They called you pebbles cause of the top knot and red hair. You where never a fierce as Ella, but just as cute. I admire you. You are the kind of woman our Mom was (and is) proud of. You fulfill your obligations and callings with a smile. And you love to make life fun. Happy Birthday JJ.