New Moon Cake Pops and the power of Prayer...

Put over 400 miles on the car going to the lab and doctor for #14. Made approximately 100 of these NEW MOON Cake Pops. Tailgated for the New Moon Premiere with my Barbie Girls and Crew in the Sherman Cinamark Parking Lot. Tried to sell said Cake Pops, made a couple bucks, got busted, (even after I had called earlier in the day to see if it was OK). Waited for the 12:02 AM show. Came out of the show and went to IHOP and partook in more great girl time and a hearty breakfast. Got home and in bed by 4:45am only to have Friday slam into me with avengance. Spent a good portion of Friday afternoon on Gangsta Girl Barbie's most wonderful couch. Forgot I had to feed Missionary's, took them and the whole fam-damily out for pizza. Realized I had to get my brisket cooking for a baby shower I was helping to host at ummmm about 9:00pm. Cooked till 2:00am. Saturday morning got up and tried to get mentally organized. Went to shower with food. Forgot all the paper goods. Shower pulled together well, good friends, good food, always an awesome combination. But last night #11 had one of her infamous meltdowns. I was in no way or shape to deal with it in a rational manner. Called Farm Girl Barbie and cried on her shoulder for a second. Tried to balance the check-book and realized I am now over drawn on my budget. Today after an un-eventful (Thank Goodness) Church service came home and took a short nap. Only to be aroused (and not in a good way) by the Handsome Husband, PO'd about my budget. Dang him. It looks like the skin infection we have been trying to keep at bay in #14 is winning. Tomorrow will bring another day (sigh).
So tonight I am thankful for prayer. The ability to get down on my knees and ask for the strength that I will need to push through another adventure filled week. To ask for forgiveness for weaknesses and help me to be a kinder and more compassionate wife, mother, sister and friend. To help me remember the Atonement. And all that my Savior has done for me. To give up my heart in gratitude for the many blessing's that have been bestowed upon me. Tonight I am thankful for prayer, amen.