Just a word of caution before you go any further on the post. There are some images that may bother you. It is red, flared infected eczema.
After this past week of holiday blitzing and leftover languish, I have also been tending to #14's skin. Trying to keep up and on top of the infection and control it the best I can. Her cultures have come back in. It is staph. Just the original variety. The kind that causes hell and havoc in her life. But she is sensitive to the minocycline, 100mg 2X daily, that Dr. Wasserman started her on back on 11/23. So that is the good news. The bad news is that it takes quite a while for the infection to clear when she is on oral antibiotics. Needless to say she is disappointed that they are not going to give her IV anti b's. I on the other hand am relieved. When she goes into the hospital my whole being just gets unwound. I do many things well, I guess you could say. But I can only do those things one at a time. And when I have to be "the" parent who is her #1 caregiver that is all that I can do.
After having had several conversations with several people this past week, I truly don't feel like everyone understands why this is such a big deal for #14, me, and our family. So with her permission the following photos are what she is dealing with. This is the infected eczema that haunts her 24 hours a day. There is no relief. Not enough Triamcinalone, Eledil, or steroids, out there to calm a flare.
