Premature Birth, Developmental Delays and my Perfect Child...
I wanted to make sure I got this post down TODAY while it is still Sunday October 18th. Today is #10's Eleventh Birthday, hence forth she will now be know as #11. I can not believe 11 years have passed since that monumental day she was so violently brought into this world. She was born premature and in very bad shape, she was resuscitated and placed on life support, flown from out little town in Wyoming to PSL Children's Hospital in Denver, Co. The milestones in her life are no greater than any other child's, for us they where just fought for and won. I accidentally ran across her discharge summary from the NICU about a week ago and was reminded of just how fragile life can be for one so tiny. I had forgotten her favorite nurses name, Melissa. I had forgotten that the 1-800 number to the NICU was my life line. I prayed for her life harder than anything I think I had ever prayed for in my entire life. Let me just share this one moment with you.
We had to return home to Wyoming after spending 5 days in Denver with her. We had 2 other children at home and Handsome Husband had to work. I was so scared to leave her. She had received a Priesthood Blessing but somehow it just did not seem enough. As I turned to say once more, "I be right back", I was over come with the feelings of my Savior not only watching over her, but being able to hold her in His arms and provide the comfort I would not be able to. At first I was to scared to leave, thinking that this may be a for-warning that she would not return home with us, but return home to her Heavenly Father and older brother Jesus Christ. Soon though the blessing and comfort of the Holy Spirit let me know that all would be well.
Here is how I feel about this girl counting down from 11
11. She is Compassionate.
10. She is Loving.
09. She is Awesome.
08. She is Inspirational.
07. She is Reverent.
06. She is Energetic.
05. She is Eloquent.
04. She is Positive.
03. She is Embracing.
02. She is Articulate.
01. She is Righteous.
0. She is Laughing.
I really, really do love this girl!