Life is not FAIR...

Mama: Your right, "it" is not FAIR, but the Fair is where you take the pigs, and when you act that this I want to take YOU to the FAIR!
Given any day of the week you will hear this enchanting exchange of words at my house. I have 3 daughters. There is always something in life that is not fair.
But this weekend was the FAIR weekend. And by that I mean literally. Our county here in northern Texas has one of the smallest "Fair's" that I have ever been to. All of the extension entries could have been scooped up and placed in my front room. My heart was very sad. I grew up in southern California. All summer long we would try and come up with a winning entry for none other than the Los Angels County Fair. I baked, sewed and believe it or not I even raised chickens. OK, so my Mom raised the chickens but I got them all gussied up for the fair every year. I do not remember the year, but it was a GREAT one...You see we had this AWESOME chicken. She was plump and layed the most eggs in our coop. We entered her for several years and never placed. But on this particular year when we went to pick her up from yet again another failing entry we met a lady. And that lady told us we where entering her in the wrong category. We took down the information. We went home. And we searched, we read, we learned all we could about this chicken. And back then there was no Internet, we had to go to the LIBRARY! So the year passes and we now are ready, we wash her, we groom her, she even gets a new band of blue with her number on it. And we enter her into the Los Angeles County Fair Poultry Division under Roade Island Red. (whew)
And guess what? She won, she won BIG. Not only did she take first in her division she took best of show! We were so excited, how could we have been so misguided for so long, only to realize we had a GRAND CHAMPION of Chickens in our mere mortal midst. Needless to say, she became the pride of the coop. Her demise never meet with the stew pot, and she became the favorite over all the chickens there ever was.
We have had so much rain the carnival did not even show up this year. But it seems the highlight was THE PAGEANT! We worked, we groomed, I sewed. #10 was FREAKING AWESOME with a capitol A! She was there for the love of performance. She rocked the house with her routine to Boom Boom Pow from the Black Eyed Peas, re done by Kidz Bop due to the nature of the lyrics. Her ability to model and interview, well if she ever wants to do this again she needs to work on it. I will post later this week on how we were able to do "A Pageant on a Penny". The Photo's are by my great friend Jessica (pronounced YES*E*KA, she is Dutch). Her and Friend Renee came as photographers for me so I could enjoy the show. Thanks you guys.
Click on the links above to visit their blogs! Both are very talented photographers, with busy families and
loads of laughs!