Great Green Balls..
The Whole Freaking Weirdo Gang + Friend
of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts! Do you remember that gross song, I DO! And boy howdee that's is what it feels like here at the Casa Loco this week. Every day has been a driving adventure with #14. She has been brewing up another skin infection and her Liver Function was elevated. So that is 2 strikes against the Immuran right now. Lord just don't let her pick up the PIG FLU. Tonight is Trunk-Or-Treat and in true fashion I had a grand scheme planned. Only to have a curve ball thrown and now following the K.I.S.S. program. Just gonna Keep It Simple Sister! Hot Dog Dinner, Monster Mash Dancing, A few Games and then TRUNK-OR-TREAT. I am not looking forward to all the candy this weekend will bring into the house, UGH. If I can I am trying to talk #11 into a movie and dinner, in costume of course. And get this I don't even have a costume planned for ME this year. I Love to dress up, almost more than I love donuts. But well see what magic I can pull from the hat at the final witching hour. In the mean time, enjoy these photos of Halloween past..