Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

What did I do in the name of all that is "sacred" to piss of the demi god's of the domestic kingdom. This has truly been a week that I would trade with the devil to have my old life back. The one of being single and living in New York. The one that was like 20 something years ago. Before the dawn of a first marriage, first child, first divorce, first of anything!
I was in the ER with #17 last night. She has had a headache of monumental proportions for the past 4 days with all the goodies to go with it, nausea, vomiting, stomach, diarrhea, body aches, you get the picture. Meanwhile back at the institution my Dad was having to install a hot water heater with the uncooperative help of #13 and #9. The hot water heater blew on Wednesday, after taking # 9 to urgent care for swimmers ear. Do you remember my post about "laundry", well the proverbial line between the metaphor and reality of that laundry is a very fine one.
Hubbie not home, sick kids, no hot water for few days, laundry piling up. Need say I say anymore?
Great PSF. Hope next week is better for you around your neck of the woods!
*Should be doing laundy NOW*
Thanks for playing PSF, this was fantastic!