Silver and Gold.

HOW EXCITING!! Two new Nieces this past week,
one from my sister and one from my husbands brother!
More GIRLS!!
Well I guess you could say I have mentally written several blog entries the past several days. But alas they have flown into one ear and out the other. Life sometimes gets that way. I have made the decision, with the help of my family, to seek employment outside our home I have not worked a consistent job since my head injury 7 1/2 years ago. Yes I have had the odd job here and there, never really feeling like I have accomplished much of anything. But due to the economic environment of our household I will bee seeking that every shining pot-o-gold the "PAYCHECK". I not sure how I am feeling about this as I can talk a good talk and have talked about wanting to go back to work since the day they said I was not able to. But do I really have what it takes anymore. I am scared. I guess I will have to look for the silver lining in the clouds.
I will never know until I just DO IT.