Tonight's the Night

Well here it is. I said I was going to do this and now I have. What does that mean? Nothing really at this point. Just I did it and that in itself is a big deal. Scrambled Brains is here for a reason. 71/2 years ago I sustained a frontal lobe head injury. It was life altering. And maybe I can help just one person who is struggling with the same problems. I have tried to do my homework and get this information to you. If you are here as a result of searching TBI, Post Concussion Syndrome, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury then I may get a B- on that homework.

So first. You are not going crazy. 7 years later I still have to talk myself off that ledge almost on a daily basis. Head trauma will do that to you. It sucks. And well you have to get your big kid pants on every day. Over and over. That's it. Baby steps and one day at a time. I know that's easily said but I have been there and I am still stepping.

I started a book about 5 years ago and just don't know how to finish it. This is what it is and I hope to get to know myself a little better thru this exercise I want to be honest, encouraging, educational and maybe even a little bit humerus at times. Is this a self help paper, a journal or just the mumblings of a mumbler. Today they call it a blog.


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